Thursday, January 15, 2009

Embracing Winter

This week, here in the western side of Massachusetts we're seeing low's in the negative single digits, and highs in the low to mid teens, not counting wind chill. The better part of a foot of snow covers everything but road, sidewalk and parking lot. Lanes are narrowed by the snow and vast amounts of courage is required to brave the weather, courage I don't seem to have.

Instead, I've been expanding my winter horizons. Saturday was a night time snow storm hike up Mt. Toby and back with a friend. Our boots crunched their way through the packed trail to the top and back. The views were minimal but it was a great experience.

Sunday afternoon saw another hike but with snowshoes after the late night snowfall, my first time with them, up Mt. Skinner with my new housemate Paul. We picked the steepest parts of the slope to test our snow shoes, really a combination of snow shoe and crampon that digs into the ice with sharp spikes.

Tuesday was spent sampling groundwater wells, a sixteen hour day of lugging awkward shaped objects around a field and getting drenched with cold groundwater.

Last night saw the toboggan in force, down "Hospital Hill" a good dozen times with two friends.

I guess I'm starting to feel that embracing winter sports and weather works out much better for me than trying to stay on the bike all season, through the numb fingers, toes and face. My bikes aren't going anywhere, and things will be much more enjoyable if I can pick and choose the days that I ride.

That said, I'm off to buy some boots for the nordic ski's my aunt gave me, and a warmer pair of gloves.

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About Me

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"The uncaculated life" is an Alan Watts reference. We tried to plan for everything but in the end things outside our control will always dictate. Instead, we should try to live an "uncalculated" life, not a life free of planning but a life with the understanding that not everything can be planned for. This blog started out for my PCT thru-hike in 2013 and has branched off to include other adventures and gear reviews.